COVID-19 Update

The Traverse City Econo Lodge remains open to serve essential workers and those who are allowed to travel under current mandates by the State of Michigan. We do require proof at check in that the travel is essential. Under the current mandates we have had to close our pool and breakfast areas. The mandates by the State of Michigan require minimal employee/guest interaction as well as minimal employee/employee interactions. 

Although our Governor has allowed more businesses to open in the Northern Lower Peninsula and Upper Peninsula, her mandates indicate that these businesses are open to serve local residents. The State travel ban remains in effect. With the current restrictions and requirements, many of these local businesses have determined that it is not economically feasible to reopen at this time and for those that have re-opened, they have found it necessary to limit their services. Don’t be disappointed — call ahead to find out if they can meet your needs.

We look forward to seeing the recreational travelers once the travel ban is lifted. 

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